Our family doesn't "do" Santa. It's not that we think Santa is evil... we don't think Santa is bad... we don't abstain from Santa because we think it's against the true meaning of Christmas. We just don't "do" it. I've found that not only is our choice rare, it also seems to be pretty controversial. A few other people have recently found out that we don't do Santa and I've recieved a mixture of complete confusion and utter disgust. People seem to think that, without Santa, Christmas has no magic or specialness.
Really? No magic? Nothing special? An entire HUMAN BEING was concieved WITHOUT sex and then later DIED for US. That's pretty darn special if I do say so myself.
BUT... religion is NOT why we don't do Santa. Religion is why we read "God Gave Us Christmas" and why we have a nativity set and why we read the Christmas story on Christmas morning before presents. It's not why we don't do Santa. The truth is, Jon didn't do Santa as a kid... he grew up relatively normal. I grew up doing Santa... I grew up relatively normal. We just don't particularly think it's necessary. We didn't have some massive philosophical discussion about the pros and cons... we even have a "Baby's First Santa Letter" and pictures of all of us at the Santa Claus House in North Pole, AK. To us, it wasn't some big decision. When it came time to pick out the "Santa present," we just decided that he would be just as excited to open a cool gift from mommy & daddy. So we put that on the tag. When he asked who the guy in the red suit was, we said he was Santa, and that he was a fun character like Mickey Mouse... not real, but fun. When he was old enough to discuss Santa at school (4ish) we told him that some of his friends really like to pretend that Santa is real, and it would hurt their feelings if we told them he wasn't real. He doesn't want to hurt his friends feelings, so he just smiles and nods when they talk about it. It's really not a big deal.
So I don't really understand why people are truly shocked and sometimes upset that we don't "do" the Santa thing. Don't worry... my kid won't spill the beans to yours. He won't think your child is crazy, nor will I think you're a bad parent for encouraging imagination and make believe... just don't think that I'm somehow depriving my child of the "magic of Christmas" because he knows where his presents come from. I promise... all of our kids are going to have a great Christmas regardless :)
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. Titus 3:1-2
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
In general, I try not be judgemental. I see parents making choices I wouldn't make, and I try to remind myself that I don't know their children or their lives, so I can't judge their choices. I see wives speaking meanly to their husbands, and I try to remind myself that I can't judge that choice; I don't see what goes on at home. I see people who choose not to care for themselves, and I try to remind myself that I haven't lived their life; in their situation I might also feel hopeless or useless.
But I know that, when it comes down to it, I CAN be judgemental. Despite trying to remember that it's not my place, I've judged women when I hear their harsh words... I've judged parents when I see the movies their kids watch... I've judged co-workers who don't seem to put 100% into their students...
So when I was judged recently, it hit me hard. Someone judged our choice of toy for Nicholas. Something petty, I know... but I instantly found myself wanting to go on the defensive. I, in no way, feel guilty that our 5 year old has a Nintendo DS. It serves a purpose. He gets to play it once a month or so when we drive to Bakersfield, and then, he usually only gets to play it 1 way. The rest of the time he draws on his writing pad or plays with his white board binder or tag pen and books. On the rare occasion we travel somewhere farther away than Bakersfield, he can play it for the road trip part. It's no worse than sitting your child in front of a DVD player in the car, right? He DOES have Mario Kart, but he also has Magic School Bus Oceans and is getting ISpy Universe for Christmas. As educational as some of the other products on the market? No, but he has educational games for it... but, but, but see... I'm already getting defensive :P
Honestly, it may have been "that time of the month," but for some reason I really took that judgement to heart... and I think that was good. While I'm sure I'm judged more often, I rarely hear of it and what you don't know doesn't hurt you. This time, I did hear, and it did hurt, and it really made me think. I'm not called to judge. I'm called to love. So while I'll never be perfect in this department, it's made me want to try harder not to judge the choices of others. Not only is it not my job, but I also know how it feels and really, I don't want to be the cause of someone feeling like that. We're all just trying to live each day doing the best we can... that won't look the same for everyone... and that's okay :)
But I know that, when it comes down to it, I CAN be judgemental. Despite trying to remember that it's not my place, I've judged women when I hear their harsh words... I've judged parents when I see the movies their kids watch... I've judged co-workers who don't seem to put 100% into their students...
So when I was judged recently, it hit me hard. Someone judged our choice of toy for Nicholas. Something petty, I know... but I instantly found myself wanting to go on the defensive. I, in no way, feel guilty that our 5 year old has a Nintendo DS. It serves a purpose. He gets to play it once a month or so when we drive to Bakersfield, and then, he usually only gets to play it 1 way. The rest of the time he draws on his writing pad or plays with his white board binder or tag pen and books. On the rare occasion we travel somewhere farther away than Bakersfield, he can play it for the road trip part. It's no worse than sitting your child in front of a DVD player in the car, right? He DOES have Mario Kart, but he also has Magic School Bus Oceans and is getting ISpy Universe for Christmas. As educational as some of the other products on the market? No, but he has educational games for it... but, but, but see... I'm already getting defensive :P
Honestly, it may have been "that time of the month," but for some reason I really took that judgement to heart... and I think that was good. While I'm sure I'm judged more often, I rarely hear of it and what you don't know doesn't hurt you. This time, I did hear, and it did hurt, and it really made me think. I'm not called to judge. I'm called to love. So while I'll never be perfect in this department, it's made me want to try harder not to judge the choices of others. Not only is it not my job, but I also know how it feels and really, I don't want to be the cause of someone feeling like that. We're all just trying to live each day doing the best we can... that won't look the same for everyone... and that's okay :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Politics & Religion
I found a link a while back that I fell in love with... it discussed 7 things Christians need to remember about politics. I found it well written and full of truth... heck, I WANTED to print it out and mail it to quite a few people we know who love bashing the candidates or who refuse to fact check anything (but I refrained ;). The more I thought about it, I really wanted to add my own thoughts to it... so here goes... I'm using their 7 points and adding to them... PLEASE click the link above. I'd post their article and just add mine in italics, but I'm sure that would lead to copyright infridgement of some sort...
1. Both political parties go to church. This is 100% true. Voting republican doesn't make you more Christian and voting democrat doesn't make you less Christian. Both parties can appeal to aspects of religion. The republicans are typically against abortion and same-sex marriage... the democrats tend to support more charity in terms of helping the poor and the struggling. In reality, the "perfect" Christian political party is a blend of them both and doesn't exist. Don't make the assumption based on someone's religion that they should vote a certain way... it's insulting.
2. Political talk radio and cable “news” only want ratings. If you watch any of the news channels and take what they say as fact, you're fooling yourself. Just because Fox said Obama is Muslim and MSNBC said Romney is going to ban divorce doesn't make it true. Not only do they contridict themselves all the time, they are known for reporting things that are flat out wrong. Anyone remember the supreme court decision where they only read the first page and spend half an hour reporting the wrong verdict? I'm not saying don't watch the news... I'm saying watch it knowing that their goal is to get you to keep watching to make them money. I've turned to watching Jon Stewart for political entertainment and turning to international news sources for everything else (though they are, of course, also flawed).
3. Those who argue over politics don’t love their country more than others. On the same note... please stop looking at "tokens" and deciding who is "patriotic" based on that. I'm so tired of hearing about things like who wears a flag pin...
4. Thinking your party’s platform is unflawed is a mistake. This is so true. Heck, Romney doesn't even agree with all of the Republican platform as presented at their convention. Platforms are maleable... they change every year and, over time, can even change drastically. The democratic platform of 50 years ago looks absolutely nothing like it does now. If Regan were running for office today, his views would align more than with democrats than the current republican party. Platforms are just like the men who write them, imperfect.
5. Scripture tells us to pray for our governing leaders (2 Timothy 2:1-4) and to respect those in authority (Romans 13:1-7). I love that they listed the scripture references here. All of those memes calling Obama a Muslim or making fun of Romney for his religion? That isn't Biblical. The Bible tells us a few things regarding politics, and what stood out to me most is that it says that ALL leaders are put in place by God and that we are to respect and honor them. Does that mean they're perfect? No... but it does mean that we have to trust that God knows what He's doing when HE allows them to be voted into office or gain the influence to run for office. When you bash either candidate, calling them names, spewing hate, reposting untruthful posters/pictures/memes... you're dishonoring God. He wants you to pray for them, whether you wanted them in office or not... he wants you to listen to what they have to say, whether you agree with it or not... I'm not saying you don't do something about it. If I disagree with a piece of legislation, especially if on religious grounds, then I should go through the proper channels to make my respectful voice heard.
6. Don’t be paranoid. Seriously... The US has had many Presidents over the years... I believe 43... (you have to consider that Grover Cleveland is #22 and 24)... some have made great decisions, some have made bad decisions. Some have taken us into wars where we saved and liberated people, others have taken us into wars where we pretty much destroyed a country and left. But that's the beauty of our system... worse case scenario they get 8 years... trust that if God wants America to stand, then it will withstand whichever man takes the oath of office in January. If God doesn't want America to stand, then it really doesn't matter which guy wins anyway.
7. Teach your children the beauty of our democracy (this one is mine). On election night, one man is going to stand before a huge TV audience and accept the Presidency, while another conceeds respectfully. Especially if your guy looses, try to refrain from making disrespectful comments about the new President. Try to avoid doomsday comments that are exaggerations like "Well, the whole country is going to fall apart now" or "We're all going to hell now..." Your children are watching, listening, and learning from you. Remind your kids that, while you thought the other candidate was better suited to run the country, in a democracy everyone gets to vote and we need to respect that. Remind your kids that God wants us to pray for our President, even if he isn't the man we would have picked, and that if the other man won, then it was God's will. If your guy wins, remind your kids that even though this time the man we liked won, it doesn't always happen that way and we shouldn't be arrogant or brag. Most of all, take time to pray with your kids for BOTH men on election night... that God would give wisdom to them both... to help the winner be humble and the looser find comfort.
1. Both political parties go to church. This is 100% true. Voting republican doesn't make you more Christian and voting democrat doesn't make you less Christian. Both parties can appeal to aspects of religion. The republicans are typically against abortion and same-sex marriage... the democrats tend to support more charity in terms of helping the poor and the struggling. In reality, the "perfect" Christian political party is a blend of them both and doesn't exist. Don't make the assumption based on someone's religion that they should vote a certain way... it's insulting.
2. Political talk radio and cable “news” only want ratings. If you watch any of the news channels and take what they say as fact, you're fooling yourself. Just because Fox said Obama is Muslim and MSNBC said Romney is going to ban divorce doesn't make it true. Not only do they contridict themselves all the time, they are known for reporting things that are flat out wrong. Anyone remember the supreme court decision where they only read the first page and spend half an hour reporting the wrong verdict? I'm not saying don't watch the news... I'm saying watch it knowing that their goal is to get you to keep watching to make them money. I've turned to watching Jon Stewart for political entertainment and turning to international news sources for everything else (though they are, of course, also flawed).
3. Those who argue over politics don’t love their country more than others. On the same note... please stop looking at "tokens" and deciding who is "patriotic" based on that. I'm so tired of hearing about things like who wears a flag pin...
4. Thinking your party’s platform is unflawed is a mistake. This is so true. Heck, Romney doesn't even agree with all of the Republican platform as presented at their convention. Platforms are maleable... they change every year and, over time, can even change drastically. The democratic platform of 50 years ago looks absolutely nothing like it does now. If Regan were running for office today, his views would align more than with democrats than the current republican party. Platforms are just like the men who write them, imperfect.
5. Scripture tells us to pray for our governing leaders (2 Timothy 2:1-4) and to respect those in authority (Romans 13:1-7). I love that they listed the scripture references here. All of those memes calling Obama a Muslim or making fun of Romney for his religion? That isn't Biblical. The Bible tells us a few things regarding politics, and what stood out to me most is that it says that ALL leaders are put in place by God and that we are to respect and honor them. Does that mean they're perfect? No... but it does mean that we have to trust that God knows what He's doing when HE allows them to be voted into office or gain the influence to run for office. When you bash either candidate, calling them names, spewing hate, reposting untruthful posters/pictures/memes... you're dishonoring God. He wants you to pray for them, whether you wanted them in office or not... he wants you to listen to what they have to say, whether you agree with it or not... I'm not saying you don't do something about it. If I disagree with a piece of legislation, especially if on religious grounds, then I should go through the proper channels to make my respectful voice heard.
6. Don’t be paranoid. Seriously... The US has had many Presidents over the years... I believe 43... (you have to consider that Grover Cleveland is #22 and 24)... some have made great decisions, some have made bad decisions. Some have taken us into wars where we saved and liberated people, others have taken us into wars where we pretty much destroyed a country and left. But that's the beauty of our system... worse case scenario they get 8 years... trust that if God wants America to stand, then it will withstand whichever man takes the oath of office in January. If God doesn't want America to stand, then it really doesn't matter which guy wins anyway.
7. Teach your children the beauty of our democracy (this one is mine). On election night, one man is going to stand before a huge TV audience and accept the Presidency, while another conceeds respectfully. Especially if your guy looses, try to refrain from making disrespectful comments about the new President. Try to avoid doomsday comments that are exaggerations like "Well, the whole country is going to fall apart now" or "We're all going to hell now..." Your children are watching, listening, and learning from you. Remind your kids that, while you thought the other candidate was better suited to run the country, in a democracy everyone gets to vote and we need to respect that. Remind your kids that God wants us to pray for our President, even if he isn't the man we would have picked, and that if the other man won, then it was God's will. If your guy wins, remind your kids that even though this time the man we liked won, it doesn't always happen that way and we shouldn't be arrogant or brag. Most of all, take time to pray with your kids for BOTH men on election night... that God would give wisdom to them both... to help the winner be humble and the looser find comfort.
Camping with an infant...
A few weeks ago we started to pack for a camping trip with some very good friends. We were super excited about it... we haven't been able to spend time with these friends in a while and we were looking forward to it. Because this would be the first time I camped with a child under 3, I thought I'd search for advice. The problem? Most of the advice I found consisted of "Don't do it!!!!" That didn't help me... we were camping as a family, whether it was a good idea or not! We promised ourselves that we wouldn't let Nicholas miss out on things because he had a new little brother.
I decided that after our trip, I'd post a POSITIVE post about camping with a 6 month old, to encourage other families to just do it!
1. BRING THE PACK N PLAY! This was something my husband and I kind of argued over... space was tight in his truck beacuse we were putting a lot of the gear for 7 people in there and the truck isn't all that big. But I insisted and in a VERY rare moment, he was forced to say "I told you so." Don't get me wrong... Ryan slept in our sleeping bags with us. It wasn't too cold for him to be in the pack n play, but it was a different environment with weird sounds and he just slept better with us. That being said, the pack n play was absolutely essential for his naps and for times when we just both needed to be occupied. When I was making dinner and Jon was helping Nicholas, Ryan could be in the pack n play.
2. BRING A HALF TENT! We didn't do this, but our friends did and it SAVED us on the beach!! He was able to stay in the shade and even nap in the half tent! It was awesome!
3. BRING A BABY CARRIER! We didn't bring the stroller but we did bring the carrier and for the longer walks, it was SO nice! The stroller didn't lend itself well to camping because we were at the beach and strollers + sand = messy and a pain (we learned last beach trip).
4. PLAN SUPER EASY MEALS! We try to eat healthy at home with as little processed foods as possible. When we were camping, I didn't stress over it. I did bring grapes, carrots, yogurt, raisins, nuts, and corn... but I also brought sausage, hot dogs, etc... Our friends made delicious and healthy food, and our next trip I'll likely bring healthier options, but for camping with an infant you want meals that are quick, easy, and can be easily made while multi-tasking. I also got things I don't usually get because they'd be easy to pass out... Gogurt, which my 5 year old begs for regularly but I don't usually buy because it's more expensive than just a carton of yogurt... Cheese sticks, which I don't usually buy because it's easy enough to just cut a few slices and because if they're available he'll eat the whole package in one sitting.
5. BRING COFFEE! Our friends brought Starbucks via. We brought a coffee press. Whatever you bring... BRING COFFEE! If you don't drink coffee, you'll start when camping with an infant :P
6. Lastly... BE FLEXIBLE! Ryan napped for maybe an hour all day... he normally takes 2-3 long naps. He ate randomly, he normally eats on a solid schedule. He ate no solids while we were on the trip, he normally has a big dinner. I was a little worried that when we got home it'd take forever to get him back to normal. It didn't... it took no time at all. Also, it helped that I was nursing, but that I also don't stress over a little formula. In that regard, everyone do whatever you're most comfortable with... but it was nice to be able to mix a bottle of formula here and there... it didn't impact my supply or his nursing schedule when we got home.
Monday, September 10, 2012
I'm a different mom this time around...
Everyone is different… and all of our kids are
different. In fact, now that I have two
boys, I can tell you that they are polar opposites. In some ways, this is nice. It means that while Nicholas never (and I
mean never) slept… Ryan sleeps like a dream.
He’s never kept us up all night (literally never, not a single night)
and has always slept for 3-4 hour stretches minimum at night. Nicholas was a
total daddy’s boy… Ryan freaks out of he cries and I’m not there. It
also means that when Nicholas did wonderfully on his first day of kinder, I
sighed because I’m sure that means that Ryan will have a hard time
adjusting. It just seems like they’re
complete opposites.
I’m also a different mom this time around. I wouldn’t say an opposite, but raising
Nicholas has taught me a LOT. So much
so, in fact, that I feel exponentially guilty because Nicholas had it so much
worse than Ryan has or will. Nicholas
taught me patience… the hard way… Ryan will benefit from me having already had
that lesson. There are a lot of things I
do differently now that I wish I had done with Nick…
grow up. It’s a fact of life. No matter how much we may want them to stay
teeny-tiny, they don’t. They get longer,
they gain weight… if they’re like my babies, they turn into little mini-me versions
of the Michellin Man. The point? We don’t
need to push it along. With Nicholas
I was involved in some message boards that I thought were helping me. It was a good support system for a military
spouse who had little friends around me, right?
It was great to bounce ideas off other moms and get an idea of where my
child was or should be, right? For ME,
that was wrong. The message boards were
a constant reminder of what other
babies were doing… how other babies
were developing or how other babies
were growing. The problem was that I was
a mom to Nicholas, not to other
babies. I pushed Nicholas to do things
early or “on time” according to experts that I now ignore. I can honestly say he was sitting unassisted
before 5 months. I can also honestly say
that it made absolutely no difference.
With Ryan not only do I not push him to do things, I enjoy and relish
the fact that he’s still so little (figuratively, of course, if you’ve seen my
child you know he’s huge). They won’t go
to kindergarten not sitting up or saying “mama.” They all get there eventually… enjoy it if
yours takes longer J
There is
no “right” way to parent. That’s
another reason I stay away from message boards (aside from BOS which is
completely different :P). I don’t care
what the experts say… whether you steam mass quantities of veggies and make
your own puree, or you pick up Gerber 2-packs at Wal-Mart, your child will be
fine. Whether you breastfeed for 3 years
or formula feed from day 1… your child will be fine. Whether you CIO at 6 months or co-sleep… your
child will be fine. And most
importantly, none of these things make you a superior mother compared to the
woman next door. I don’t say this like
the things we do don’t impact our kids… of course they do. But in the overall scheme of life… there are
much more important things to be worrying about. Are we teaching our children to have
compassion for others? Are we teaching
our children to consider the needs of those around them? Are we teaching our children to forgive and
show mercy? For me, am I teaching my son
to obey God and not give in to the temptations of the world? Because when it comes down to it, no
productive member of society ever looked back and said “I want to give thanks
to my mom, because if she hadn’t pureed my first foods herself, I’d never be
where I am today.” Now, I have a LOT of
friends who do make their own baby food, breastfeed children for 2 years or
more, and co-sleep… please know that I’m in NO way saying these are bad
things. Heck, I breastfeed and co-sleep
AND CIO. I’m saying that we need to
consider our options, do our research if we feel necessary, make our choices,
and then move on without judging those who come to different conclusions. I stressed over every.single.decision I made
for Nicholas and, looking back, I feel like I didn’t get to enjoy his infancy
& toddlerhood as much because of it.
the experts. Or at least, remember
that the experts never studied your kids. I’ve been trying to remember all the things “they”
say will forever harm your kids. I
remember that one thing was juice.
Never, and I mean never, give your child juice. Then they will never drink water and will only
drink sugary things that are horrible for their bodies and will make them
fat. Yeah. They forgot to toss in that word, moderation. I remember having someone look at me in
complete shock when I gave my 1-year old a sippy cup of diluted juice. I remember another mom proudly telling me
that her kids had never drank anything in their lives except water and
milk. Congrats. My kid had juice. And today?
He’s a healthy child (of healthy weight) who drinks water about 75% of
the time.
I’m learning daily and we still have bad days. I’ve learned that I babied Nicholas too much
and now I’m paying for it… so is he as we have to teach him to be a little less
sensitive so he isn’t eaten alive by the world.
There are days when, at bedtime, I have to apologize for being cranky
and impatient with Nick. But you know
what? He knows that his mom is real… she’s
human… she works hard every day to take care of him, love him, and teach
him. She tries to be an example of
living for God each day… but she fails… and when she does, she apologizes and
tries harder. I hope and pray
that as he gets older, he learns that life isn’t about being perfect… it’s
about trying your best every single day… being humble enough to admit when you’re
wrong and courageous enough to never, ever give up.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Dr. Seuss, Hot Rods, Putin, & Easter
{Warning - I'm pregnant, due in 3 days, and bored - This may get long...}
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Seriously, there is no better kid's author out there. Yes, there are many others that we love and cherish, like the Bernsteins (so sad to see Jan passed) and Mercer Meyer...but Dr. Seuss is the best of the best! Jon and I started collecting his books before we were even pregnant with Nick! There are still a few that we need, but for the most part, we have all the greats! I could do an entire post just about his awesome quotes! I'm thankful for any author that has the ability to capture the imagination of a child and make him/her excited about reading!
Every year Famoso does 2 major events... the March Meet & the Hot Rod Reunion. We (especially Nick) LOVE these events. Not only does he get to spend time with Grandma and Papa, but he gets to see more hot rods than his little eyes can take in and hours upon hours of drag racing (the only kind he really likes; he doesn't like oval tracks). This year? We're staying home. Thankfully, he doesn't actually know that. He doesn't know that right now they're doing test and tune and that tonight and tomorrow start qualifying. He doesn't know that the jet car will probably run tomorrow night or that he could be playing cars with the other little boys. But I know that. And it makes me sad... because I'm the reason we can't go. I tried telling myself it's not THAT far... but it is... especially if I'm due on Monday. I also tried convincing Jon to take Nick... but not only is he way too nice of a husband to go nearly 2 hours away days before I'm due, I also must admit that I'd rather him not.
Sunday is the election in Russia. Should be interesting. Putin obviously wants to avoid a run-off, but he also needs SOME amount of legitimacy and most of the world knows he'll have a hard time avoiding a run-off without some rigging, bribing, and threatening. Oh, who are we kidding. Legitimacy is for the birds! This is the guy that sent a PROXY to debate FOR him because he can't be bothered to actually let Russians see him be potentially vunerable. They're already starting to find voter fraud plots. Lord knows there were plenty in their primary! Either way, if there happens to be another dork out there who's interested, The Moscow Times is probably your best resource. I'm not saying it's 100% unbiased, but it's the best you'll find in English ;)
Yes, Easter is still 5 weeks away. Even so, I'm already wishing that Nicholas' friends lived closer. He has friends at school, but I don't know their parents so I'm not really up for inviting them all over. Most of his close friends are back in Bakersfield. Last year I bought extra dying kits on super clearance and I wanted to have an egg dying party and bring out his Resurrection Eggs. Fun, easter themed goodies... maybe around April 1st-ish. We'll see. I guess I may be getting a little overanxious seeing as I will still have a newborn on my hands.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Happy Leap Day!!! Hope everyone is enjoying the extra day that we get this year! Admittedly, I would love to celebrate with a new little one making his appearance, but it's looking more and more like he REALLY wants to be a March baby :P
Sacred Marriage
So far I'm really enjoying this book! I picked it up at a MOPS meeting a while back, and I keep it in my purse for when I have a break in the day. I love how it gives marriage a Biblical perspective and discusses why marriage isn't just about making us happy.
Folgers Decaf Coffee
Thank goodness for decaf coffee! I sometimes mix it with regular coffee for a 1/2 caffenated coffee... then I can have more than a cup and I get a little bit of caffiene. Either way, it's a delicious and welcome way to start the morning!
Brown Rice
I admit, I used to be scared of cooking rice. I'd buy the boil-in-a-bag because the first time I tried to steam my own rice, I burned it horribly. Then I bought a cheap rice steamer but rarely used it because it didn't do that good of a job. I finally perfected cooking white rice, so I make cilantro-lime rice, rice pilaf, and teriyaki rice sometimes... but Jon asked me to try brown rice. I know it's healthier, but I don't know, it just didn't look as appealing. I made it anyway though, and it's really good and I love knowing that it's a little more nutritious. If I'm making rice anyway, I might as well make the healthier stuff. I won't substitute it when I'm making lime-cilantro rice, but it makes yummy rice pilaf! I just have to remember take it takes 3 times as long to cook!
Monday, February 27, 2012
No baby, but loving 1 John!
I haven't blogged in a week, and I wish I could say it's because I was busy having a baby, but no such luck. Just as I have for the past 3 weeks, I have contractions all day (all braxton hicks of various strength) and other "signs of impending labor," but then night comes and once I lay in bed and fall asleep, it mostly calms down. The good thing about this? The false labor exhausts me all day so that by the time I go to bed, I actually sleep relatively well (despite getting up to pee every 1-2 hours, haha!). God also humbled me a lot last week after I took Jon some lunch and was wishing that would be "the day." It was a crazy day at work for him and it hit me that God isn't just planning for me to have this baby so I can get more comfortable, but that labor & delivery will be impacting MANY lives and our God is wise enough to know the best time for the overall picture, not just my selfish and self-focused desires.
We are 39 weeks today, and I keep reminding myself that before I was even created, Baby Monkey's birthday was picked out for a distinct and perfect purpose :) I'm thankful that despite all the specialist appointments and worries, this little guy is 100% full term! I'm also nervous that he's going to be quite a bit bigger than Nick (7 lbs 6 oz), because I've gained more weight this pregnancy and I'm bigger... but I know my body was made to do this and if God has made him a large baby, then I'm sure my body will handle it.
Our church is still going through 1 Corinthians but yesterday made a quick mid-sermon detour to 1 John and because I LOVE 1 John, I've been wanting to journal about it a bit. I went ahead and just linked to Bible Gateway because if I copied all the scripture I want to copy from 1 John, I'd ctrl+V the entire book :)
First, he talks about how if we say we're without sin, we don't have the truth (1 John 1:8-10). We're decieving ourselves. I like this because a major issue a lot of people have with "the church" is that it is hypocritical and arrogant... with a holier than thou attitude. 1 John tells us that those attitudes that TRY to say "I have no sin" actually mean the opposite... that you do. If you really had the truth, you wouldn't act as if you were sinless, because you would be humble and wise enough to know that we have all sinned and all continue to sin. I don't say that we continue IN sin, I say that we continue TO sin. The analogy the pastor made was a good one... he used to run a lot, but he no longer does so regularly so he wouldn't want to be considered a "runner." I may have been a drinker in the past, and it may still tempt me at times and I may stumble, but I'm no longer a "drinker." You may have been incredibly self-focused in the past, and you may still have moments where you catch yourself doing so again, but you repent and renew your efforts to stop. You're no longer living IN sin, but that doesn't mean that you never sin.
The second part that always hits me hard has to do with the concept of living IN sin. Throughout the rest of the book (which is short!) the author talks about how those who DO continue to live in sin, live in darkness. They know OF Jesus and His sacrifice... they acknowledge it, but they don't have it inside them. His love is complete inside those who obey His word. Those who see His truth, take it in, and then live in out. He says that you know if you have Him in you because when you really have Him in you, can't go on in your life of sin. You just can't. This is always convicting and while I hope to get closer and closer to living as Christ did as I grow, I hope it's always convicting. There will always be parts of me that God needs to sharpen and refine... but I also know that as I grow in Christ, I will be unable to hold on to a lifestyle of greed or selfishness... because when you have Christ in you, the fruit shows. You can't force the fruit from your heart anymore than you can force it from a tree... but you can tend to the tree and tend to your heart through a lifestyle of prayer, obedience, etc... so that the fruit grows outside of your power.
Our pastor finished with a question that I thought was pretty good. Did you make a decision, or the decision? Did you acknowledge what Jesus did, or did you take in it and let it change you?
I'm NOT a Bible scholar... I don't have any training in theology and I'm forced to rely on English translations because I can't read Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic. This isn't meant to spark debate on what 1 John means or says... it's just what's on my heart and it's what I feel when I read a powerful book in our Bible.
We are 39 weeks today, and I keep reminding myself that before I was even created, Baby Monkey's birthday was picked out for a distinct and perfect purpose :) I'm thankful that despite all the specialist appointments and worries, this little guy is 100% full term! I'm also nervous that he's going to be quite a bit bigger than Nick (7 lbs 6 oz), because I've gained more weight this pregnancy and I'm bigger... but I know my body was made to do this and if God has made him a large baby, then I'm sure my body will handle it.
Our church is still going through 1 Corinthians but yesterday made a quick mid-sermon detour to 1 John and because I LOVE 1 John, I've been wanting to journal about it a bit. I went ahead and just linked to Bible Gateway because if I copied all the scripture I want to copy from 1 John, I'd ctrl+V the entire book :)
Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness
What I love about this book is that, while convicting, it's also pretty clarifying. Matthew 7:22-23 paints a scary picture... it tells us that many will stand before Him and say that that they knew Him and did great works in His name... and yet they will be turned away. So how do we know if we're in that group? How do I know if I will stand before Christ and be welcomed or sent aside? 1 John kind of goes into that. In it, the author (not entirely clear who he is, though many say John the Apostle) says two things that always hit me hard.First, he talks about how if we say we're without sin, we don't have the truth (1 John 1:8-10). We're decieving ourselves. I like this because a major issue a lot of people have with "the church" is that it is hypocritical and arrogant... with a holier than thou attitude. 1 John tells us that those attitudes that TRY to say "I have no sin" actually mean the opposite... that you do. If you really had the truth, you wouldn't act as if you were sinless, because you would be humble and wise enough to know that we have all sinned and all continue to sin. I don't say that we continue IN sin, I say that we continue TO sin. The analogy the pastor made was a good one... he used to run a lot, but he no longer does so regularly so he wouldn't want to be considered a "runner." I may have been a drinker in the past, and it may still tempt me at times and I may stumble, but I'm no longer a "drinker." You may have been incredibly self-focused in the past, and you may still have moments where you catch yourself doing so again, but you repent and renew your efforts to stop. You're no longer living IN sin, but that doesn't mean that you never sin.
The second part that always hits me hard has to do with the concept of living IN sin. Throughout the rest of the book (which is short!) the author talks about how those who DO continue to live in sin, live in darkness. They know OF Jesus and His sacrifice... they acknowledge it, but they don't have it inside them. His love is complete inside those who obey His word. Those who see His truth, take it in, and then live in out. He says that you know if you have Him in you because when you really have Him in you, can't go on in your life of sin. You just can't. This is always convicting and while I hope to get closer and closer to living as Christ did as I grow, I hope it's always convicting. There will always be parts of me that God needs to sharpen and refine... but I also know that as I grow in Christ, I will be unable to hold on to a lifestyle of greed or selfishness... because when you have Christ in you, the fruit shows. You can't force the fruit from your heart anymore than you can force it from a tree... but you can tend to the tree and tend to your heart through a lifestyle of prayer, obedience, etc... so that the fruit grows outside of your power.
Our pastor finished with a question that I thought was pretty good. Did you make a decision, or the decision? Did you acknowledge what Jesus did, or did you take in it and let it change you?
I'm NOT a Bible scholar... I don't have any training in theology and I'm forced to rely on English translations because I can't read Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic. This isn't meant to spark debate on what 1 John means or says... it's just what's on my heart and it's what I feel when I read a powerful book in our Bible.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Stream of Consciousness Sunday
* I really don't understand some of the debates that are going on during this primary season. I can't help but want to lecture the candidates kind of like a mom or teacher, reminding them to pick their battles and stop bickering at the table. Really? Are these the issues that we'll let divide our country? If we're going to let something divide us, shouldn't it be a little more substantive?
* I'm reminded of a sermon that our head pastor gave a few months ago... asking if these are really the issues the church wanted to divide over. He said that, as a pastor, he'd been asked his viewpoint on many issues from breastfeeding in church, to showing tattoos and body piercings, to the kind of music a church "should" play. He knew as a pastor that people might value his opinion, but he said he wanted to ask these people "Really? Is this really the issue that should separate you from your brothers and sisters?" Right now our church is going through a long series on 1 Corinthians and today we were on Chapter 6... in in Paul admonishes the church in Corinth for taking their disputes before the secular courts. He said if we can't just solve issues between brothers within the church, then we've already failed. Better to be wronged or loose and drop your pride, than allow petty issues to divide brothers and sisters. Just food for thought.
* Nesting has taken full force. Tonight I cleaned both bathrooms (including my nasty shower, eww!), kitchen, living room, swept and mopped all floors, and vacuumed. I got all but one load of laundry done, but not put away (I hate putting away laundry!)... still need to get the sheets done. I even got Nicholas' shower curtain washed.
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
- Link up your post at all.things.fadra.
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter (and a happy husband)!!
I was trying to decide what to make or get Jon for Valentine's Day... At Christmas time we went to a family gathering that had a type of white elephant exchange and a marshmallow shooter was one of the gifts... it was, without a doubt, the best of the evening! It looked easy and when I looked around online, I found out that it WAS easy... and cheap!!! I was able to make 2 of these (because it's way more fun to battle!) for about $7 including tax.
1. Cut PVC into 5- 4" sections and 1- 7" section
2. Use newspaper, tissue paper, etc... to stuff the two pieces of tubing that the arrows are pointing to (this will help with air pressure)
3. See diagram above for putting together using elbows, caps, t-joints, and coupler
4. Put a mini marshmallow in the top elbow
5. Blow into the elbow and aim to shoot marshmallow
6. Decorate as you want - if you choose to paint, paint all pieces separately... you don't want to glue the pieces together as you may need to take apart to clear blockages caused by sticky marshmallows!
7. Make a 2nd one so at least two people can battle!!
In the end, I had an extra piece of PVC that I hadn't even cut on (and I made two)... another $3 in connectors and I could easily make 4 total of these things for a total of $10ish dollars in supplies.
Another option, if you'd like to play with these inside and don't want sweet marshmallows flying around are those tiny craft pom pom balls. At least if those get lost somewhere, there's no danger of bugs. That being said, if I delivered this gun with brightly colored pom pom balls to Jon's work, I'd NEVER live it down.
Very Basic Marshmallow Shooter
Supplies Needed
- 1/2" PVC Pipe - 3 feet or so per gun (I bought the 5' sections so it would fit in my car, but it's cheaper if you buy the big 10' piece)
- 2x 1/2" Elbows (not threaded!)
- 2x 1/2" T-Joints (not threaded!)
- 2x 1/2" Caps (not threaded!)
- 1x 1/2' Coupler (not threaded) - Optional, I just thought it looked cleaner
- Mini Marshmallows (or pom poms for a food-less option)
- Electrical tape/paint/stickers - Optional if you'd like to decorate the gun
- PVC Cutter - Optional
Optional PVC Cutter
You can easily cut 1/2" PVC with a basic saw or even a Dremel. However, I'm extremely clumsy even when I'm not pregnant. Ask anyone in my family and they'll tell you that me and sharp objects don't mix. These were only $10 and I figure it's something I can toss in Jon's tool box to get used again someday. This seemed like a safer bet and I was able to do the entire project on my living room floor in less than 10 minutes.
2. Use newspaper, tissue paper, etc... to stuff the two pieces of tubing that the arrows are pointing to (this will help with air pressure)
3. See diagram above for putting together using elbows, caps, t-joints, and coupler
4. Put a mini marshmallow in the top elbow
5. Blow into the elbow and aim to shoot marshmallow
6. Decorate as you want - if you choose to paint, paint all pieces separately... you don't want to glue the pieces together as you may need to take apart to clear blockages caused by sticky marshmallows!
7. Make a 2nd one so at least two people can battle!!
In the end, I had an extra piece of PVC that I hadn't even cut on (and I made two)... another $3 in connectors and I could easily make 4 total of these things for a total of $10ish dollars in supplies.
Another option, if you'd like to play with these inside and don't want sweet marshmallows flying around are those tiny craft pom pom balls. At least if those get lost somewhere, there's no danger of bugs. That being said, if I delivered this gun with brightly colored pom pom balls to Jon's work, I'd NEVER live it down.
Happy Marshmallow Shooting!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
In Honor of Valentine's Day... 50 Things!
In honor of Valentine's Day... 50 Reasons why I love that Jon is my husband...
really love God!
You never take things at face value
You put your family before everyone else
You can make Nicholas laugh like nobody else can
The way to talk to Ryan while he’s still in my
The way you drop everything to make my life
You grill amazing steak!
You brag about my cooking to your friends, and
it makes me feel good!
You work as hard as you can, no matter who
you’re working for
You were willing to keep deploying just so I
could get my credential
You researched into vaccines instead of just
listening to doctors because you want the best for your sons
You let me watch every Gordon Ramsay show ever
made and you never complain
You make me laugh
You rub my feet and back even when you’re tired
You’ve made me try new foods that I ended up
You never stopped encouraging me when
breastfeeding got super hard
You can make any bedtime story sound exciting
with funny voices and sound effects
You’re amazingly creative!
You always challenge yourself to get better
You went to Sonic late at night to get me a
strawberry slush for my preggo craving!
You know so much about the Bible and you teach
me what you know
I know with 100% certainty that you will always
be faithful to our vows
You’re always up for watching a kid movie with
me (Despicable Me AGAIN...)
You made me watch Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Real
Steel, Alias, and more… and I loved them all!
You can build anything you put your mind to
(from camera rails to lighted monster trucks!)
The way that only you could possibly make a huge
pregnant woman feel beautiful!
Your kisses
The way that you have developed an amazing
relationship with my parents, partly because you know how close I am with them
The way you have no problem acting silly or
crazy to make a baby smile
How you found an amazing home for our family
when we moved to Clovis
You are so much smarter than you will ever give
yourself credit for
You would do anything for your friends
How it feels when you’re the “big spoon”
The way you always carry a knife “just in case”
You took me to the Tiki Room for the first time
36. The way you always want what's best for me and will fight tooth and nail for it
The way you play guitar, and how you used to
play “Twenty-Four” over the phone for me to fall asleep
You make the best mashed potatoes!
You have always fought for our marriage, no
matter how much I didn’t deserve it
Even when I’m a crazy preggo, you’re patient
with me (and you get the stroller in the trunk ;)
You’re teaching Nicholas how to be a gentleman
You stick up for me whenever you think someone
has wronged me
You’re an amazing Daddy
You’re an incredible husband
How you make fun of, yet indulge, my obsession
with Russia
When I see myself in 50 years, I can’t imagine
being with anyone else
You love history as much as I do
I love that we’ve fought through difficult times
and come out stronger for it
You always know what to say to encourage me when
I’m overwhelmed with life
I know that you are the man God created to be my
Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday Morning Musings...
Happy Monday Morning! Many thoughts today... each more random than the next...
- I've got an unhealthy obsession with post-its... just ask anyone who has gone to an AVID conference with me. It's bad. That obecession has now turned electronic as my birthday-present-laptop has a sticky notes program. My desktop is currently a GORGEOUS picture of Jon and Nicholas (taken by David Karnowski, check him out, he rocks!) but you can't see that picture because there are 7 sticky notes covering it up.
- As silly as it sounds, I was actually excited to pack Nicholas' lunches for kingergarten this year. In fact, 3 of the above said post-its are lists of creative main dish/side/treat options because I'm 99% sure he won't be allowed to take anything with peanut butter. Then I realized/remembered that the Clovis Unified School Distict does half-day kindergarten. So he'll either come home for lunch after school, or eat lunch before he goes. That makes me kind of sad.
- I have been LOVING the book of Titus. It's only 3 chapters so if you get a break in your day.. check it out!
- It's hitting me that I kind of have issues with follow through. I have all these plans to make treats for the guys at Jon's work for tomorrow and to decorate the kicthen table for Nicholas... and this morning I realize "Oh yeah, when I went grocery shopping, I probably should have bought those ingredients..." It's not that it's expensive, it's that my goal for this two-week grocery cycle was to ONLY run to the store to pick up produce. All those little trips for forgotten things or cravings add up and I want to try to just work with what we have. Oh well... Nicholas is home with me today (figured he needed one more full day of antibiotics before he goes back) so we'll just have to run by Target.
- I need to decide if I'm going to sign Nick up for T-ball. The truth is, he doesn't seem all that interested. Everytime I bring it up, he brings up soccer... which doesn't start until August. I don't want to push anything on him he doesn't want... but at the same time, he asks to meet new little boys and I figure that's one way to do it. You get to pick the elementary school you practice at so if I can get him into the one at HIS school, he might even meet kids he'll be going to school with. Then again, if he's not into T-Ball, he's just going to want to play around and not actually play the game.
- I'm trying to convince Nicholas to either have a Monster Truck birthday party. Surprisingly, it's not working. I'm not sure how, since the kiddo is obsessed with Monster Trucks...
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thankful Thursday (on Friday): The Parental Edition
Yes, yes... I know it's Friday! I started this post yesterday and then had to stop and forgot to come back and finish. Either way, today I want to celebrate a bit of thankfulness to my parents! They are amazing!!
Grrowing up it was just my mom and I. She had an amazing way of both showing love and commanding respect and obedience. She put a huge emphasis on education from the time I was a baby. I remember hearing my entire life about "when" I would go to college, not "if." She emphasized reading all the time and made sure that I knew how important it was to do well in school. She encouraged me to try new things and worked harder than I could have understood at the time to make sure that I could participate in as much as possible. Sometimes I feel bad because I know I didn't appreciate her sacrifices at the time; the immaturity of childhood didn't open my eyes to everything she did and gave up for me.
When I was in junior high my dad came into my life. Like every other blended family, there was a period of adjustment... but he has always treated me 100% like his daughter. I've never been a step-daughter or "Holly's daughter," I'm his daughter... and it's a title I'm proud to be able to carry. Over the past 6.5 years I see more and more characteristics of my dad in my husband, and it's something that makes me very happy! :P
Together, my parents always worked so hard for all of us. They made sure we had everything we needed to succeed, but also made sure that we had to work and earn the things we wanted. When I wanted to march Drum Corps, they made it happen so I could have that experience. When I wanted to go out of state for college, they worked extra hard so I would have that opportunity. They've always made sure I knew that they were proud of me, and as a result, I've always wanted to live my life in a way to maintain their pride in me.
I'm thankful for their support through deployments. I'm thankful for parents who watched Nick at least twice a week in the evenings so I could go to school while Jon was in Afghanistan the last 2 times. I'm thankful for parents who encouraged me during the hardest times alone and who were always there for me. I'm thankful for parents who remind me on a regular basis that I'm not a bad mom, but a mom who really always tries her best. I'm thankful for parents who are amazing and incredible to my husband... who is also not their son-in-law, but their son. It is so wonderful to know that my parents and my husband aren't at odds with eachother, but are close and have a great relationship. I'm thankful for parents who are amazing grandparents. My son (soon-to-be sonS) are so blessed to have grandparents who encourage whatever it is that interests them. I love the quote that says "Grandparents are people who, when they see you, make you believe that they've been waiting all day to see you and now that you're here, the day is complete." That's my parents and I know it makes Nick feel so special!
I know now that being a parent is hard. Every decision seems like a big one and knowing that you're shaping an entire life is a huge responsibility. I'm thankful for parents who took that responsibility seriously and raised me to be the woman I am: not a perfect woman, wife, or mom... but a woman who always tries her best and who never gives up!
Monday, February 6, 2012
T G I... M?
Happy Monday! No? Nicholas didn't think so either. He thought I was an exceedingly mean mom for making him go to school today. True, he was sick on Saturday... but he hasn't had a fever since Saturday night, well over 24 hours, and his cough is much better. Besides, he'll be thanking me later when he's on the bus to the field trip ;)
After posting my "Thankful Thursday" post I went back to re-read it and saw two photos that ended up side by side on the layout...
After posting my "Thankful Thursday" post I went back to re-read it and saw two photos that ended up side by side on the layout...
I know I'm probably just totally crazy, but I swear I see some pretty clear resemblance! We'll see sometime in the next 5 weeks or so!
It's starting to finally feel real that we're having another baby... definitely a good thing! It's also making me look around the house and realize that there's still a lot I'd like to do. I need to take down Jon's pictures and posters in the nursery so I can attempt to get the vinyl monkeys up. I need to get a nursing tank or two. I need to rid our house of the ever present boxes of things we finally ordered (though I hate getting rid of them, I'm weird). More than anything, I have this weird anxiety about going into labor when the house is a disaster. I guess I feel like having the baby is enough chaos in itself. I also want to get some more freezer meals done. We're officially 36 weeks today, so I'm also officially off bedrest!!! I can run around with Nick at the park, walk as much as I want, and generally do whatever! WOO HOO! Of course, it comes when I feel like Baby Monkey is breaking my pelvic bone in two, but that's okay :P
I'm almost ready for Valentine's Day. I thought of an absolutely AWESOME thing to make Jon and it's only going to cost me about $10... I'll have to post it after the 14th. I picked up a few cars for Nicholas with some candy and a card. We've never really done Valentine's Day for the little guy... well, we've done some crafts and stuff, but this year he actually knows the holiday is coming and is excited. It's so much more fun when they're excited about it!
Hope everyone has a great start to a new week!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Stream of Consciousnses Sunday
I feel like God has given me a big blessing over the last few years, but it's kind of a random blessing, or a blessing in disguise. Of course, I've been blessed with a healthy family, good home, plenty of food, etc... but this is more something that only I can appreciate personally.
God has been so gracious and generous to place jewels in my life that help me to feel better as a person and a mom... and to almost give us the "why" of decisions we may not like.
An example could be last year. We spent a good 5-6 months house hunting. Nothing ever worked. Everyone we know found a house quickly, and those who didn't still found one in 3-4 months. By the time we hit 6 months we were burnt out and giving up. The few houses we had bid on had fallen through or, for various reasons, we had backed out. We also just couldn't find a house with what we wanted, and I don't feel like we were all that picky. We were disappointed but when the new school year started and I was pregnant, we decided to stop looking.
But in the past 3-4 months God has shown us so many times why it just wasn't in His plan for us to buy a house. The more we talk, the more we don't want to spend the next 20 years in California. We don't like the school systems here, and are worried about where it's heading. Jon's work has the potential to let us move to another state, but if we had bought a house we'd be stuck. We also have some other things on the back burner that we're considering (that I'd rather not make public yet) that would be tabled if we had a mortgage. And most recently... we found out that we will owe a very significant amount in taxes this year. Had we purchased a house, that would have been financially devastating... but God has provided what we need to take care of the situation. I just feel SO blessed that God is generous enough to show us why we couldn't have something we wanted... He doesn't have to do that, but He is kind enough to do so.
He also gives me little jewels that He knows I need. I have no confidence in my ability as a mom. I second guess EVERYTHING I do and don't do... but every once in a while He uses Nicholas to show me that I'm not doing too badly. One of those came today. Nicholas was pretty sick yesterday... fever and cough. He just felt like crud. Last night when he went to bed, we prayed that God would make him feel better. This morning, Jon got up with him and I heard Jon ask "Hey Buddy, how are you feeling?" Nicholas responded very excited "I'm good Daddy! God healed me all up!!" It just melted my heart and made me feel so good that he recognized that it was God who healed him!!
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five-ish minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5ish minutes.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
- Link up your post below.
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Thankful Thursday: The Nicholas Edition
Today's Thankful Thursday gets to be another easy one! Today I am beyond thankful for my little man, Nicholas. He was born on May 3rd, 2007 at the Army Hospital on Ft. Wainwright. It was May but there was still a nice little bit of snow on the ground. He weighed 7 lbs, 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. He felt so incredibly tiny in my arms.
Then it was time to bring him home. I remember Jon and I holding Nicholas and cuddling and crying because we were just so thankful that God had allowed us to be parents. It was hard... trying to figure out what he needed and when... needing Jon's encouragement to keep nursing even when I was bleeding and crying from pain while he nursed... living on next to no sleep. But just knowing that this entire little life was our son was indescribable.
As sad as it made me to watch him grow, it was also amazing to experience new things with him. We did a mommy & me swimming class and it was so awesome to be in the water with him, right there as he experienced something totally new in his world. As an infant, he taught me so much... he gave me lessons on endurance, patience, kindness, strength, and truly unconditional love.
He was right there with me, being such a trooper, while our family went through deployments. I will never forget coming home with him after dropping Jon off for the first deployment after he was born. We were in his room and I was sitting in the middle just very softly crying (and trying so hard to stop because I didn't want to upset Nick). The little guy crawled over, took his binkie out of his mouth, and handed it to me. Such a simple little action... but the action of a little boy who knew mommy was sad and wanted her to feel better. I am so thankful for the wonderful little heart that God has given him.
As he got even older, I found myself loosing more confidence in my ability as a mom. It seemed like it was all so easy when he was a baby... feed, change, hold, cuddle, love... and you're a great mom! Then it's stress over talking, learning colors, shapes, numbers, and who knows what else... is he doing enough so far? What should I be working with him on? All the other kids know their letters but does he? Oh no! But I'm slowing starting to be thankful for another lesson Nicholas has taught me: He's God's son who will do things on God's time for him. If there's anything in the world that has strengthened my faith, it has been parenting, because it has forced me to give the most important life in my life back to God because he isn't really mine to begin with. So far at least, everything that I worried about turned out to be nothing... he talked later than others, but is very smart. I couldn't teach him his letters, but within 2 weeks of being in preschool he knew them all. I'm so thankful that God gave him a great memory and ability to learn!
As he grows we learn more about his personality... he loves cars, trucks, and dinosaurs. He looks a lot like Daddy but acts a lot like me. He's extremely close to both of us, but is also independent. He loves going to church and learning his memory verses. His love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He loves to dance and sing and anything to do with music. He's stubborn and wants to do things without help. I am so thankful for each new little thing that we learn about him, because it reminds me that he is a unique creation... not a cookie cutter 4-year old that I can parent by reading books. He has bad days... days where he doesn't want to share or where he's ultra sensitive or whiny... but his good days far outshine those.
This is getting VERY long, so I'll just stop to say that I couldn't be more thankful for my son. It's hard and I second guess nearly every parenting decision I make, but he fills my heart with love and joy every day. He allows me to experience life through his innocent eyes and reminds me that there is a Creator who still has faith in our world. As we get ready to welcome #2 sometime in the next month or so, I'm thankful that Baby Monkey gets such a wonderful little guy to be his brother.
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