He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false, he will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his Savior. Psalm 24:4-5
Fall is one of my favorite seasons! Some people consider Spring to be the season of renewal... in some ways, it is. That's when new flowers come up after a long winter and we see the birth of new life in so many areas of nature. But really, I think that Fall should be a time of renewal as well. It's the season when the old falls off and we celebrate the gifts of Spring and Summer.
I'm looking at this season as a time for renewal and letting go... letting go of resentment, worry, and stress. No, I'm not saying that my life will be 100% stress free... but I want to let go of worries and hand them over to God. I want to let go of resentment and bitterness and jealousy... three things that I can feel inside me right now. I want to spend Fall letting the resentment and bitterness fall to the ground to prepare for the growth of new opportunities. I want clean hands and a pure heart that is open to the Will of God.
I can feel God providing renewal in my faith as well. I can feel my faith becoming stronger. What is so beautiful about this is that it's impacting more than just my own heart. I can feel it bringing renewal into my marriage too... it's wonderful! There's still so much growth to be had... I need to work on my attitude a lot. I feel myself getting frustrated quickly and loosing patience... but I feel like Fall is the perfect time to focus on that. I want to clean my hands and purify my heart to accept and obey the plans God has planned for me. I don't know where He wants me to be, but I know that His plans are perfect and that there are wonderful gifts for those who obey.
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