Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's been a few weeks...

It's been a few weeks since I wrote, so I figured I'd give a quick update...

We got moved into our new home in Clovis and I am SO thankful to God for this house!  It meets all of our needs and them some!  It has a large living room, a great dining area with bay windows and tile floors (a must with a 3-year old!), a split wing floor plan (for obvious reasons :), and a back yard!  It's not huge, but it's more than big enough for our family!  So far I've just been overwhelmed with appreciation for the home Jon found for us.  I know he was nervous about me liking it because I didn't see it until the day we moved in (aside from video from the wonderful Michael Wanke!)... but he didn't need to worry... I love it!  I love this area as well, and Jon and I are hoping that if we buy a home next year, we're able to stay around here!

We have attended our new church twice now and I really like that as well!  Nicholas gets SO excited about going to chapel and loves the kids program.  It's almost identical to the program at the Bridge that I loved, so I'm really thankful for that!  I'm trying to get us plugged into a LifeGroup as soon as we can find childcare once a week that we're comfortable with.

I'm officially employed by the Fresno Unified School District as a sub.  I've never had to interview to be a sub before, but I'm thankful that I was able to get into the system.  Jon is buying a little car from the Wanke's tomorrow night, so then we'll be looking for a M/W/F preschool for Nick for when I'm subbing. 

I'm just overwhelmed with seeing God work in our home.  I've been making sure to take time with God every day, even if it means Nicholas watches a little more cartoons.  I can definitely see it making an impact.  God is really showing me wonderful things through the life of David. I'm doing a reading plan that takes you through the Bible chronologically... I guess it fits the historian side of me!  It's so cool though... I'm seeing which Psalms go to different times in David's life.  It's really really cool and gives the Word more meaning for me!

It's bath time, but I just have to say that I'm seeing firsthand how obedience to God provides you peace.  I know, without question, that we're where God wants us.  I know that when we prayed for guidance, God provided.  And I know that if we continue to be obedient, God is going to work everything out!

1 comment:

  1. The house sounds wonderful...I'm glad you're finding peace and contentment with this new time in your life.
