Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday - The Book Edition

Happy Wednesday!  I rarely blog more than once every few weeks... but I'm procrastinating and don't want to do actual work :)  There are a few things that I've come to love lately... so I thought I'd share!

I've never done well with devotionals.  It's not from lack of desire... it's just that they're usually either too short for me to get anything out of them, or too long for me to be able to sit still long enough to get it done.  This devotional is absolutely AMAZING.  It's 365 devotions... most of them right at 1 page on my Nook, including the scripture text.  I know we're only 2 weeks into January, but so far I've been able to do it every day!  Some days it hits me harder than others... but they're always wonderful!  If you have an eReader, it was only $7.50.

Ahhhh... this is an AWESOME series!!!  Did you like The Hunger Games?  No?  That's okay, because Divergent is WAY better than that.  You liked The Hunger Games?  Great, because then you'll absolutely love Divergent!  I can only think of one bad thing about this series... that book #3 doesn't come out until this Fall.  I'm also sort of hoping that this series doesn't follow the current trend of trilogies... I'm hoping it goes on much longer than that (though I doubt it... it looks like the storyline will be wrapped up with one more book).

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