Everyone says that you get cravings during pregnancy... and they're right. With Nicholas it was pizza. The GOOD thing about it was that I only craved the kind of pizza you get at a resturant (Boston's was my favorite place in Fairbanks, AK) and because Eielson was a good 30-45 minutes away from Fairbanks and my craving usually came late at night... I wasn't able to indulge my craving very often. Thus, I gained little weight and everything was good. This time around I crave sweets, and being within a 2 mile radius of who knows how many stores means that I've given into that craving WAY too often and have probably gained too much weight so far. Regardless, my latest craving is actually healthy so I figure turning it practically into a meal isn't TOO bad, right? :P
I crave oranges, or more specifically, orange citrus (oranges, tangerines, mandarins). I blame our CSA. About a month ago they had tangerines on the product list so I grabbed a few pounds... and ate them all within a week... by myself. In my defense, organically grown tangerines are little, LOL! Then my aunt gave us a few pounds of fresh oranges... that I also ate... within a week... by myself. It's an addiction. The good thing is that I really am listening to my body and trying to eat only when I'm hungry... so the citrus has replaced other stuff (that probably wasn't all that great for the growing Monkey anyway). Yesterday I got one of the 98 cent bags at Fresh & Easy... it's already gone. Baby Monkey is getting plenty of Vitamin C :P
Another thing we're LOVING lately is one of my Christmas presents...
Please tell me that people out there remember playing this at Centennial! Now they have it for XBox (and Wii and PS3) and it's awesome! We played for a few hours last night with the Wanke's and had a BLAST! If you happen to have already purcahsed Scene It for the XBox, then you can also use the buzzers for that game and it makes it easier and more fun! You can't be easily offended, and you should probably enjoy them making huge fun of celebrities... but it's great!
I'd love to post a few more things we're currently addicted to (ahem... Pintrest... best friend of a pregnant girl on bedrest!!!), but the little guy is asking for rainbow pancakes and since all I've had today is a tangerine... my stomach is growling... time to oblige! Rainbow pancakes it is!
Oooh, I could eat through clementines that way. :) I wish I could taste citrus from a CSA, I bet it's amazing when it's fresh!
ReplyDeleteThey were SO delicious!!! We share a CSA box with some friends (we pre-paid 5 boxes of 16 items, so we each get 8 items whenever we place an order) so we don't order every week... maybe every few weeks. I'm so sad because they only had tangerines on the product list for 2 weeks and now they're off :( Hopefully they'll get them again soon! I'm actually kind of delaying another order hoping they'll get them back on the list, LOL!