Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting ready for the Monkey!

We're getting closer to being ready for the little Monkey to make his appearance.  Over the weekend Jon put the furniture together and moved the office so that his bedroom is his.  Tonight when Becki, Mark, Daniel, and Parker got here, Nicholas was so excited to show them his little brother's room!  I just ordered the bedding and some decals for the walls (because we can't paint).  There's more that I'd like to get for the room as well, but I'm holding off for now.  I just ordered the 4 piece bedding set and I'm going to see about getting brown and green coordinates for a bit cheaper than the matching stuff!

I also finished the pre-registration at the hospital.  I did most of it online a long time ago but I still had to go to sign a few papers and give them copies of my ID and Insurance card.  My doctor kindly reminded me that I needed to get that done, LOL.  It made me a bit sad though.  I don't know why, but this whole time I've just had this little video in my mind of Nicholas meeting little Monkey.  It would probably be the day after he was born but he would come into the hospital and we'd have the video and camera ready and he'd get to meet his baby brother there.  I had these pictures in my mind of Nicholas in the hospital bed with me and baby and everything.  Heck, this whole time I think I've been just as excited to introduce Nicholas to the baby as I was to meet him myself!!  They told me today that Nicholas won't be allowed to visit us at all.  I'm not sure if it's all the time or just during flu season, but nobody under 12 is allowed past the 1st floor lobby.  I asked the registration clerk and she said that would still apply to siblings.  I had heard of that rule, but I thought most hospitals had an exception for siblings.  I'm going to ask my doctor when I go in next week, just to find out how strict they are about it.  She only delivers there so I'm guessing she'll kind of know the drill.

It's very cool to be getting ready for the little guy.  I felt bad that Jon had to do the furniture by himself, but I'm so thankful for a husband who did it without even a tiniest complaint.  I was able to just sit down and go through the clothes we've collected and see what we have in each size.  It got us both even more excited to meet the Monkey!

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