Monday, January 9, 2012

Music Monday & what "EVERYTHING" means...

Today was, to be honest, stressful.  I realized that my plan of e-mailing lesson plans daily for the sub was just going to be more trouble than it was worth... so I was determined to get the entire week planned out and ready to go... in about 2.5 hours.  For a veteran teacher, probably easy.  For a newbie like me?  Stressful.  But I managed to get 4 days of lesson plans for 3 different preps done.  I spent about 30 minutes on campus making copies and sorting everything into nice, labeled, easy-to-understand piles and gave my sub letters for the week to 2 different people to make sure everyone knew what should be happening.  AND, I was able to do it all while only needing to be on my feet for about 45 minutes.  Not bad! 

So before I post the lyrics to what's playing in my head today, I thought I'd give a quick run down of what's on my heart (because it kind of goes with the lyrics).  Yesterday at The Well, we continued in 1 Corinthians 4:1-12.  There Paul talks about what real Christian living looks like.  It doesn't mean using your status as "Christian" to build yourself up, but to become a servant.  He talked about how so many churches almost trick people into becoming believers by not really telling them what they're getting themselves into.  Yes, you gain salvation and a Redeemer... but it's so much more than than a 2 minute prayer and then you've got a fast track ticket to heaven no matter how you live.  It's not like you get to say a 2 minute prayer and God makes your life all better... at least, it SHOULDN'T be.

The quote that the teaching pastor used was "All God asks of you is one thing: EVERYTHING."  Our pastor added on to that with a question/challenge: "What does 'everything' look like?"  It's different for everyone person... and Paul even tells us not to compare our walk with God to others as a measuring stick.  We won't be measured by how much "better" we were than Sally or how much "worse" we were than Jim.  We'll be measured by how much of what we've been given we give back to God.  So are we giving our everything?  God has given us everything... including his CHILD... so is how we're living reflective of our desire to give God our everything?  Just food for thought that's on my heart.  So in that vein, here is my song for Music Mondays: "Do Everything" by Steven Curtis Chapman:

You’re picking up toys on the living room floor for the 15th time today
Matching up socks and sweeping up lost Cheerios that got away
You put a baby on your hip, color on your lips and head out the door
While I may not know you I bet I know you wonder sometimes
Does it matter at all
Let me remind you it all matters just as long as you

Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you
To do every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace with every move that you make
In every little thing you do

Maybe you’re that guy with the suit and tie
Or maybe your shirt says your name
You may be hooking up mergers or cooking up burgers
But at the end of the day
Little stuff, big stuff, in between stuff
God sees it all the same
While I may not know you I bet I know you wonder sometimes
Does it matter at all
Let me remind you it all matters just as long as you

Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you
To do every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace with every move that you make
In every thing that you do

Maybe you’re sitting in math class
Or maybe on a mission in the Congo
Maybe you’re working at the office
Singing along with the radio
Or maybe you’re dining at a five star
Feeding orphans in Myanmar
Anywhere and everywhere you are
Whatever you do it all matters
So do what you do, don’t ever forget

To do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you
To do every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace as you

Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you
To do every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace with every move that you make
In every little thing you do

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